Drivers continue to rack up fines despite roadshow, says City of Cape Town

An officer writes out a fine. File picture: Willem Law

An officer writes out a fine. File picture: Willem Law

Published Dec 11, 2023


Cape Town - The City of Cape Town said despite concluding another successful roadshow last week when thousands of drivers made use of the opportunity to finalise their fines and warrants, drivers continue to rack up fines.

The roadshow – a one-stop shop for traffic fine-related matters – has been a feature around the beginning of the festive season for several years now.

This year, the roadshow ran over five days, with an additional day to accommodate people who were turned away on the last scheduled day.

The consolidated figures are in, and the Traffic Service reports that they:

  • assisted 2 079 clients
  • finalised 16 923 fines
  • finalised 5 150 warrants.

The total fine and warrant payments, after representations, amounted to just over R4.6 million.

The City’s Mayco member for safety and security, JP Smith, thanked all of the staff members who were involved in planning and executing the roadshow.

“It is a massive undertaking, which is likely why it comes only once a year. To those motorists who took the time, or sent proxies, to finalise their outstanding fines and warrants, we say thank you for doing the right thing.

“However, it is always best to try and avoid fines altogether by adhering to the rules of the road, or, where fines are received, to settle these as soon as possible,” said Smith.

The City also reminded the public that the roadshow is an added-value service, and that there are numerous existing channels through which they can check for, and pay fines:

The past week’s enforcement statistics have shown that lawlessness on the roads continues as the City’s enforcement agencies issued 27 747 traffic fines.

In addition, of the 69 arrests that traffic officers made, 68 were for drunk-driving.

“Weekly arrests show that officers are doing their part to keep irresponsible drivers off the roads, but they cannot be on every corner. This is a time for family and friends, so don’t let your loved ones get behind the wheel when they are three sheets to the wind.

“At the least they will end up with a criminal record, but we know it can be so much worse.

“Officers also recorded an increase of nearly 50% in speeding offences, which is another indication of the recklessness that is prevalent this time of year. The responsibility to keep our roads safe is on all of us,” said Smith.

Metro police officers arrested 67 suspects and issued 3 632 fines for various transgressions, while law enforcement officers conducted 619 enforcement operations during which 234 suspects were arrested, and issued 4 280 fines for various transgressions.

Over the weekend, the City’s Public Emergency Communication Centre (PECC) recorded 74 incidents of domestic violence, 145 assault cases, 51 motor vehicle accidents and 114 prank calls.

“Just two weeks ago we called on residents to refrain from making prank calls. Then last week a false bomb scare led to the evacuation of a service building, with staff being unable to assist the public while it was being swept for an incendiary device.

“This was not only a waste of time, but meant no services and could have led to loss of life. It is against the law to make threats of such a serious nature. We do not take this lightly and the City will prosecute those who are found put lives at such unnecessary risk,” added Smith.

Residents are reminded to phone 021 480 77 00 from a cellphone and 107 from a landline to report any criminal activity or emergency.

Cape Argus