Letter: Understanding the root of Palestinian -Israeli tensions

There are five million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank who want and demand recognition of an Independent Palestinian State, says the writer. Picture: Leon Lestrade/Independent Newspapers

There are five million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank who want and demand recognition of an Independent Palestinian State, says the writer. Picture: Leon Lestrade/Independent Newspapers

Published Oct 8, 2024


Colin Bosman

Those who assume that the heinous attack on innocent Jewish settlers a year ago by Hamas militants was a random knee-jerk reaction to a music festival on the Gaza/Israeli border are way off the mark.

This “war” started in 1948 when Palestinians were dispossessed of the land they had occupied together with Christians and Jews for over five thousand years.

The “war” was intensified by rubbing salt to the wound in 1967 when Israel occupied and annexed Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem under the so-called six-day war which effectively was nothing short of a land grab.

There was no sharing or caring; it was Israel über alles. The State of Palestine is recognised by 146 out of 193 member countries of the United Nations ... that’s 75% of all members.

World opinion including the US and UK have accepted the inevitability of the State of Palestine. It remains to be allocated its own land.

It is a work of fiction that the destruction of Israel is necessary for the formation of an independent State of Palestine.

Israel has a right to exist but not as a nanny state to others in the region. There are five million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank who want and demand recognition of an Independent Palestinian State.

Where should they go? Perhaps to the moon?

Cape Times

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