4 productive things to do on #SelfCareSunday



Published Sep 6, 2020


Although we are on level 2 of the lockdown, where going out is permitted, some people are still sceptical about being in public, which is fine. Stay home and relax or opt for less populated space.

There is a new trend by Shower to Shower called #SelfCareSunday, aimed at encouraging people to take care of themselves by refuelling their mental, emotional, and physical health.

To improve your mood and reduce any anxiety, here are some of the #SelfCareSunday activities to try.

Digital detox

Sometimes it’s good to switch off and get into your zone. Turn your phone, television, iPad and even your smartwatch off! Disconnecting is key to reconnecting with yourself.

Spend some time in nature

Taking a walk or a hike offers you great benefits, both mentally and physically, and takes you away from the “hustle and bustle” of your usual life. Nature has a fantastic calming effect and assists in reigniting positive feelings and releasing tension.

Reinvigorate yourself

Not everyone is keen on h a candle-lit bath or a face mask. But in the time of Corona, it might grow on you since we’ve all been forced to consider hygiene and pampering a little more than usual. The key is to choose products that smell great, are well formulated and ultimately make you feel good. Go for those that are all enriched with tissue oil and contain multi-vitamins that will leave you feeling reinvigorated.

A date with a friend who makes you feel good

Self-care is not about being alone. Going out with a friend can have a good impact on your health and well-being, especially after being isolated from them during the lockdown.

Going out on a lunch date can prevent loneliness and give you a chance to spend quality time with important people in your life. And you can choose a spacious outdoor spot, which will make you feel comfortable.

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