6 tips to deal with end-of-year exam stress

Dealing with this level of stress healthily and holistically, is the best way to make it through the end-of-year exams successfully. Picture Leon Lestrade. African News Agency. ( ANA ).

Dealing with this level of stress healthily and holistically, is the best way to make it through the end-of-year exams successfully. Picture Leon Lestrade. African News Agency. ( ANA ).

Published Oct 20, 2020


This week officially kick-started the final exams for matrics and October will see more South African pupils knuckling down and preparing for what will undoubtedly be a tough set of exams following a tumultuous educational year.

Laager Rooibos are encouraging healthy habits and herbal tea as an aid in dealing with the inevitable exam stress.

“This year has created a lot of anxiety for all South Africans, especially students, many of whom had to miss a large portion of the academic year, followed by extended school days to catch up and no September vacation,” said Laager Rooibos brand manager Wandile Ngubane.

“Dealing with this level of stress healthily and holistically is the best way to make it through the end-of-year exams successfully. To assist with exam preparation, we have compiled an easy-to-follow list that will help reduce anxiety when studying.”

1. Healthy hydration

Switch out drinks high in sugar and caffeine for herbal teas, as this will assist in reducing anxiety, improve health and increase concentration.

2. Outline goals

One of the quickest ways to put one’s mind at ease is by timetabling study, and setting realistic goals. This way, there is no concern that too much time is being spent on one subject, there is less chance of burnout, and necessary downtime is allocated as well.

3. Get active

Although the pressure to use up all free time studying might sometimes be overwhelming, the body and mind need a break in the form of exercise. Whether it’s a high-cardio routine or a simple walk around the block, incorporating 30 minutes of exercise into your routine will help improve cognitive function so that what’s being learnt is actually retained.

4. Sleep well

Understandably, there has been limited available time for revising in 2020, but wherever possible, start studying early. This means there’s no need to pull all-nighters and more time for a full night’s sleep – around eight or nine hours a night will give the body and mind adequate time to recharge.

5. Take time to breathe

The simple act of taking time to breathe deeply has a massive impact on reducing the body’s stress and focusing the mind on the task at hand. Take a few minutes every day to breathe, particularly when starting to feel that exam panic is building up.

6. Make time for yourself

One of the most overlooked part of a study routine is personal time, whether this is to indulge in a hobby or meet with friends, enjoying some time out without thinking about exams or studying can really assist with stress alleviation.

“Stress is incredibly harmful to the individual, and where we can anticipate highly-stressful situations – such as exams – we can take the necessary steps to minimise its impact, thereby improving physical and mental well-being,” said Ngubane.

“By following these tips, and just taking a moment to enjoy a cup of antioxidant-enriched tea, students will be well on their way to overcoming exam stress and coming out on top in this final stretch.”

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