Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this week (April 23 - April 30)

Astrology / horoscope signs - taurus

Astrology / horoscope signs - taurus

Published Apr 23, 2022


International astrologer Tanya Obreza let's us know what's in the stars this week.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Best Day: Saturday 30th

While others map out a clear plan for the coming week, Ariens mull over the past. Recently, life has suffered a reality check. Seeing your inner strength put on the rack can be a queasy experience, but there are always lessons to be learned. What you have sacrificed in recent months will soon be returned tenfold.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Best Day: Monday 25th

If I say there’s change on the way, don’t run. While things may be flowing a tad too swiftly for your liking, you’ll soon get the hang of it. Perhaps you’re being asked to retrain, or take an unexpected detour? Whatever happens, know that the heavens are steering you in the right direction. Follow your dreams, Taurus.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Best Day: Sunday 24th

It’s true, magic can happen – sometimes, simply by staying positive. Energy follows thought, Gemini. What you think, will be. Be kind enough to give yourself what you need. Make time for nature, massages or friendships. It’s been too long since you allowed yourself some fun or pampering. Time, too, to start a new fitness regime.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Best Day: Sunday 24th

We all experience very different journeys while moving through life. Don’t assume that others will have the same actions and reactions to the dramas that can unfold. It’s how you react that’s important. This week, pay attention to even the most minor piece of information. Sometimes, the smallest gem can have the most sparkle.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Best Day: Tuesday 26th

Cancel that appointment with your therapist, Leo. Your recent erratic behaviour is just the effect of some disruptive planets. Instead of worrying about your uncharacteristic conduct, figure out how to benefit from being outrageous. If throwing a well timed hissy-fit can help you get what you want, use the drama to your advantage.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

Best Day: Tuesday 26th

There may be moments this week when everyone seems to be at play, except you. The upside: Mercury promises to bring an abundance of financial and professional rewards. Don’t worry too much about missing out on life’s pleasures. Your social calendar will be overflowing again soon enough. Until then, stay diligent.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

Best Day: Saturday 30th

Librans finally tackle the backlog of work that has been piling up, but you’re not spurred on solely by the work ethic. A more likely motivation is your longing for luxury, which needs financing. You may, however, find yourself battling with someone in a position of power. Mercury compensates by introducing an intriguing new friend.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Best Day: Wednesday 27th

Establishing a routine has been difficult, and self-discipline a bore. You may be fretful about finances. Not surprising, as you’ve recently been presented with a not-so-great report on how you’ve managed your funds. If necessary, rein in the plastic and nurture nest eggs. Professionally, stay open to new opportunities.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Best Day: Thursday 28th

Someone’s being impatient this week, because they want everything done in double-time – so woe betide you if you have a few slow days or you disagree with them. It could easily become a week of silly spats and squabbles – mostly about nothing. Very inconsiderate of others, when they know how much you have on your plate already.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Best Day: Friday 29th

You may feel irritated with close friends or relatives this week. If they’re leaning too heavily on you, you need to either hand them back some responsibility or recruit some outside support. You can’t be all things to everyone. It’s often said that “time is the most valuable commodity”. So spend it wisely, Capricorn – on yourself.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

Best Day: Wednesday 27th

Love wins a generous time slot, though there may be some trickery in the heavens. This means that what started as a casual flirtation could become more than intended. And chances are, it’ll be you who’s doing the tempting. Indeed, prudence doesn’t exactly spring to mind as your word of the week – “hedonistic” is closer to the mark.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Best Day: Friday 29th

You may be feeling restless, but don’t force things to happen. It’s often easier to simply go with the flow. Should obstacles appear, see them in the same light as opportunities. Life is a constant dance, Pisces. So choose the rhythm that offers you genuine joy, and know that all paths lead to the same place – your greatest good.

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