Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this week (Aug 21-27)

If your star sign is Leo, you probably have a large fireplace in your home to satisfy your urge to be the centre of attention.

If your star sign is Leo, you probably have a large fireplace in your home to satisfy your urge to be the centre of attention.

Published Aug 21, 2022


Your year ahead

Your spirit and strength was tested last year. Just when you thought you could take no more, along came another emotional upheaval.

This year’s birthday message is simple: don’t give up. Stay faithful to your own truth: you’ll be surprised how far your resilience can carry you. Through adversity, you’ll reclaim your power.

But you might doubt whether you’re making the right choices. Trust that you are. This is also the time for romance and relationships.

What can you hope for? Unconditional love – not only the devotion you offer, but also the special love that’s returned.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Best Day: Saturday 27th

This week brings an important turning point – a time when you’re free to attract whatever or whomever, you please. For some, new work unfolds. Others enjoy the pleasures of requited romance. Just be wary of overly dependent companions, particularly those who would happily fritter away your hard-earned cash.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Best Day: Monday 22nd

If there’s to be any conflict, look to relationships. Mostly because the planets are meddling where they shouldn’t. Even so, take this chance to express unresolved anger – in a constructive way. As peace returns towards late week, you again head in a positive direction. But if feeling unsure, sympathetic friends lend a comforting shoulder.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Best Day: Friday 26th

Stay alert Gemini, as this week could be laced with deception. Someone you don’t know well might try to establish a closer friendship in order to extract a favour. This is fine, as long as you know what the game is, and play by your own rules. It’s also important to set intentions for the next few months. Create a vision board.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Best Day: Tuesday 23rd

Routine has become a way of life for many. If life has become too predictable, it’s time to try something new – even if you’re stuck at home. Start by making one small change every day or so. Initially, the choice might not feel comfortable, but it’s important to realise how long old patterns have been fixed in place. Be bold, Cancer.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Best Day: Friday 26th

This week, don’t ruffle any feathers by speaking up at the wrong time or for the wrong reasons. It’s no use shouting louder than others if what you say isn’t being heard. And be sure to have all the facts before you speak. Listen carefully, Leo, and be certain that you have the whole truth before voicing a verbal attack.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

Best Day: Wednesday 24th

This is a week of change, particularly regarding your image. With charm and charisma peaking, prepare for a parade of admirers. If attached, expect to be especially close to your partner. At work, confidence, coupled with creativity, should also get most of your ideas noticed and appreciated. And then, you can finally wind down for the weekend.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

Best Day: Thursday 25th

You might feel like you’re being pulled in many different directions. Perhaps a friend or loved one has a tad too much to say, or they’ll try to deceive you. Don’t be fooled by false promises.Think about what it is you want for a change, take charge and ditch those who don’t support you. Take control of your life.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Best Day: Tuesday 23rd

This week encourages Scorpios to give ambitions a nudge. But you first must discard any debilitating doubts. Over time, it can become easy to fall into a safe and familiar rut. This could be fuelled by fear of failure, or simple lethargy. Neither suit your usual determined nature. While the cosmic coast is clear, make changes.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Best Day: Sunday 21st

Teamwork comes more easily this week. You know which buttons to push to get others moving in the right direction without upsetting their sense of independence. Support comes to you from an unexpected source without you having to ask for it. Even an old rival might come over to your side. It seems you have more in common, after all.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Best Day: Thursday 25th

While your Capricorn composure usually keeps you out of trouble, less sensible minds seem determined to stay on a collision course. So, again, you might have to clean up after others. Recently, too, you’ve been more insular. Later this week, emotional barriers start to tumble and you again start to share your love.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

Best Day: Friday 26th

This week is all about sticking to what you know best. The Sun emphasises routine, so work with what’s familiar. You’ll make up for lost time soon enough. Also, don’t exaggerate the facts as this might cause misunderstandings. Use tact and charm when faced with dilemmas. Compromise and be prepared to listen to others.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Best Day: Sunday 21st

You’re about to set a new course, but this change in direction might bring some tough decisions. If at odds with a spouse or business associate, the main source of conflict is likely to be money. While one wants to save, the other is more interested in spending. A sensible compromise would be to spend only what you have. Put all credit on hold.