Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this week (July 3 - July 9)



Published Jul 3, 2022


International astrologer Tanya Obreza let's us know what's in the stars this week.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

You’re probably confused, not certain whether a recent event was a dream, a nightmare or just fate. Confronted by surprise or suspicion, this week forces you to explore new dimensions of your talents, inner truths and affections. Out of the intense transformation you will emerge, in many ways - reborn.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

We live on a planet where not everyone will always agree. The result? A battle of wills. Words may be spoken in haste and in hindsight, with regret. Not to worry – time heals all. The true test, however, comes in learning to overcome obstacles. When one way is blocked, find another. When one method fails, devise a new one.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

It’s a week to slam the door on inquisitive fingers. Whether you see others’ attention as flattery, quality control or espionage keep your best ideas to yourself. With thinking processes clear and precise, use the latter half of the week to put new plans into motion. Instinct will help you negotiate obstacles.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

It’s a Cancer kind of week. The Sun is on the move, and so are you. Don’t worry too much about formalities – it’s your spirit others will notice. Should you find yourself up against equally determined minds, stop and listen. You could learn from others’ opinions. But it’s not all work. Social invitations no longer need polite avoidance.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

For some time, you’ve suffered upheaval. The experience hasn’t been all bad, as you’ve gained the gifts of wisdom, tenacity and compassion. The planets announce a change in pace and growing confidence. Romance wins a generous time slot, with enough allure to conjure up an enigmatic new love.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

In recent times, laid-back planets have forced a slower approach but this snail-like pace is beginning to test even the most patient Virgos. You’ve been encouraged to hold steady for a while now, so who can blame you for revving up the gears and speeding ahead? It has been way too long since you’ve felt the wind in your hair.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

Cosmic forces allow you to reclaim your stride. Expect the occasional hurdle. Romantically, make your move after the 6th, when there’s a better chance of success. Mid-week also instigates financial changes. If you’re hoping to finalise negotiations, make sure any agreement is committed to ink. Not everyone is trustworthy.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Few people will agree with your plans this week and might not like what you have to offer. Don’t try to force your views. The best thing is to avoid discussions where you feel questions or accusations are pointed at you. Instead, follow your own dreams and allow others to have theirs. Not everyone beats to the same drum.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Start collecting property listings, Sagittarius. Looks like a house move is in your future, and you’re primed to make this new living space extra intriguing. But when it comes to relationships, it’s looking unsteady. Some are wondering if they might be better off alone. Where money is concerned, don’t spend what you can’t afford.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

This week brings a growing awareness of your special talents. In doing so, unhappy conditions are no longer tolerated. Just don't assume authority on every topic at hand. It's a sure bet that someone with more knowledge will eventually call you to question. In the meantime, bank balances need to stay healthy.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

Normally, you have no problem letting others know when they have overstepped the mark but someone’s marching into your territory and, somehow, you’ve let this happen. Don’t panic, and don’t lose your temper. Calmly address the matter, and reclaim your dominion. Wannabe opponents will soon back off.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Much can be achieved this week, Pisces, but you must avoid burnout. Push your energies if you really need to but not to the point where you’re teetering on the edge. Similarly, don’t let competitors force you beyond your limits. Remember, you call the shots, not them. Upside: the week could offer extra cash.