Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this week (Oct 9 - Oct 17)

Astrology / horoscope signs - libra

Astrology / horoscope signs - libra

Published Oct 9, 2022


Your Year Ahead

Librans now come into their own. First, you’re blessed with some extra cash. If left wondering where best to invest, try property or home-related industries. Business travel’s not off the list of possibilities either.

And should the occasional obstacle need a determined nudge, you have plenty of planetary power behind you.

Ditto for friends and family. Alongside your own ambition, this year their love can also play a big part in your success.

Indeed, this year triggers an impatience to unleash your wilder fantasies. Even tired relationships enjoy a fresh lease of life.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

If you've spent the last three weeks feeling mentally scrambled, stressed or just ridiculously indecisive, relief is near. As Mercury once again steps forward, you’ll soon notice the difference. From here on in this quicksilver planet becomes more dynamic every day, as will you. Take action based on new insights learnt over recent weeks.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

A forward moving Mercury sees work goals move in the right direction. All lines of communication start to reopen, and you can look forward to busy discussions. One warning: prolonged pressure can place high demands on even the healthiest body, so don’t overdo punishing regimes. Another likely distraction: inconsiderate colleagues.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

It’s not selfish to do what makes you happy, Gemini. You must be satisfied with your own lot before you can bring joy to others. But expect an air of envy around you this week, as your current success may put some noses out of joint. Shrug off any provocation. Most friends and family will be thrilled to applaud you.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

The planets push for more honesty at home. If relationships feel strained, talk problems through. For others, the week attempts to sort out family feuds. Perhaps, too, painful childhood memories demand resolution. The cosmos also continues to deliver a busy work schedule. There may be little rest this week, but much should be achieved.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Our lives are full of opportunities to start over, and every so often there’s a potent cosmic push that gives us a dynamic boost and creates new beginnings. So now that Mercury steps forward again, it’s the right time for forward planning. This week, investigate ways to make your life grow. The end result will be so very satisfying.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

Now that Mercury has moved forward, you’re once again free to sign contracts, schedule vital meetings, have significant conversations and make important decisions or purchases. Remain confident as you push ahead with anything that requires communication or forward planning. You’re back in control.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

The cosmos encourages leaving behind troublesome friends who bring you down. You also enter a week of deep reflection, where your personal aims and social conscience go under review. Admittedly, there have been a few challenging moments in recent times, but you’ve grown beyond earlier limitations. Librans are ready to try something new.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

While all is not lost, something might be. Your mind is drawn in many directions and as you become less focused, it can be difficult to keep an eye on everything – especially finances. It’s been said that many hands make light work, but some of them can be attached to demanding individuals. If someone’s complicating a situation – go solo.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

You may be cash-strapped, but don’t give others the impression that your finances are unsettled. Worrying about income makes no difference but it could attract dishonest individuals. There are plenty of sharks out there all-too-happy to feed on vulnerable Sagittarians. Stay silent about your income and expenditure.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Life can be tough. Still, we must all assume that better times lie ahead. Lucky for you, mighty Mars does too. Your professional standing is in line for a boost, with opportunities coming from unusual sources. Indeed, being in the right place and making the right contacts are important ingredients to current success – so just go for it!

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

That famed Aquarian charm will get you everywhere this week. You’re out to inspire and impress. When you present such a positive attitude, people just naturally do more things for you and with you. Sounds so simple, really. Strange that more people don’t get it. Those looking for romance have every chance of finding love.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

This week, happy synchronicities start to happen. If you can’t see signs of this, it may be that you’re still recovering from recent tensions. The planets now put all their energy into helping you identify and fix long standing problems. The eventual outcome: genuine joy and satisfaction, both at home and at work.