Miss SA Shudufhadzo Musida runs for mental wellbeing

Miss South Africa Shudufhadzo Musida Picture: Supplied

Miss South Africa Shudufhadzo Musida Picture: Supplied

Published Apr 14, 2021


Runner's high is one of the best ways to feel happy and relaxed, running and other forms of vigorous exercise actually provide a number of mental health benefits.

No one knows it better than Miss SA Shudufhadzo Musida who is going to run on Thursday to shine a light on mental health and raise funds for the SA Depression and Anxiety Group (Sadag).

The running event will be hosted via Strava, which is a social platform of athletes, in partnership with Discovery Vitality.

Members of the public are invited to join the Team Vitality running community on Strava for free and run virtually with Shudu.

Discovery Vitality said it was supporting Musida’s mental wellbeing initiatives because it was “deeply invested in improving mental wellbeing, particularly through physical activity”.

Musida said, “mental health is a cause close to my heart and I am delighted to be able to do something to raise much-needed money for SADAG, which is doing such a wonderful job at this stressful time. I encourage everyone to join me virtually as well as to donate to this very worthy organisation.”

Shudu’s awareness campaign comes at a time where mental health concerns have been heightened in South Africa.

According to the SA Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), depression and anxiety has worsened during the pandemic with call volumes to their helpline having more than doubled in the last year.

Discovery Vitality recently launched a mental wellbeing goal that enables members to track their mindfulness sessions and sleep goals on Vitality approved fitness devices and partner apps, including Headspace, Calm, The Mindfulness App and buddhify, in the Vitality Active Rewards platform.

Having recently launched a mental wellbeing component to the rewards goal, Discovery Vitality will donate R20 000 to Sadag in support.

South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADG):SADAG Mental Health Line 011 234 4837

Cipla SADAG Mental Health Line: 0800 4567 789 or WhatsApp 076 88 22 775

For a suicidal Emergency: 0800 567 567

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