Calls for Cele to make public apology after heated exchange

Police Minister Bheki Cele. Picture: Jacques Naude/Independent Newspapers

Police Minister Bheki Cele. Picture: Jacques Naude/Independent Newspapers

Published Nov 29, 2023


The DA has called on Police Minister Bheki Cele to make a public apology after he shouted at an activist during a crime imbizo.

Parliament’s Joint Ethics Committee’s report has recommended that Police Minister Bheki Cele apologise for breaching the Ethics Code for Members of the House.

The National Assembly adopted the committee’s report on Tuesday.

Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula said the recommendation is that Cele “must enter an apology in the National Assembly to activist Ian Cameron”.

“I am informed Honourable Cele is out of the country on official business, so he will be called upon to enter his apology in due course.”

Cele shouted at Action Society Director Ian Cameron during a crime imbizo in Gugulethu on the Cape Flats last year. During the heated exchange Cele told Cameron to shut up.

Cameron laid a charge of Crimen Injuria and assault against Cele and police officers.

DA national spokesperson Solly Malatsi said while the committee recommended that Cele apologises in the house for his conduct, the DA believes that the Police Minister must also apologise to him personally and in public.

“Cele insulted Cameron in public and should therefore apologise publicly.”

“President Ramaphosa's cabinet stands as a glaring testament to incompetence and disgrace, with ministers who excel at fabricating lies, deploying protectors to assault citizens, mastering the art of making hollow promises, publicly berating responsible citizens, engaging in shameless looting of public funds, appointing cronies and cadres over merit, and consistently failing to fulfil the basic duties expected of their positions, actively contributing to the dismantling of our nation,” Malatsi said.

The Mercury