Dudu Myeni to be charged for revealing Mr X’s identity at Zondo commission



Published Nov 27, 2020


Cape Town – The Zondo commission of inquiry into allegations of State Capture will press criminal charges against former South African Airways chairwoman Dudu Myeni for revealing the identity of a secret witness in her testimony.

Commission chairman, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo began Friday's proceedings at the inquiry by saying that after considering Myeni's stated reasons for revealing the identity of the witness, he had instructed the matter be taken up urgently.

"A few weeks ago Ms Dudu Myeni gave evidence via video link in this commission and in the process disclosed the identity of a witness, whose identity I ordered should not be disclosed," Zondo said.

"Subsequently she furnished the commission with an affidavit in which she explained her conduct.

"Since then, the legal team has looked at her affidavit, I have looked at her affidavit and I have instructed the legal team to assist the secretariat and prepare the documentation necessary so that the secretary of the commission can lay a criminal complaint against Ms Meyni so that the police can act in terms of Section 5 of the Commissions Act or Regulation 9 of the commission's regulations,“ he added.

The process would be taken forward urgently, Zondo stressed.

Myeni testified three weeks ago, giving one of the finer examples of stonewalling seen yet at the commission. While being questioned by advocate Kate Hofmeyr, she frequently tried to invoke the right to remain silent but went on to reveal the identity of the witness, identified only as Mr X.

The commission had issued an order his identity remain secret for safety reasons after he gave evidence he and Myeni had swindled millions of rands from Mhlatuze Water, one of the nine water boards responsible for bulk water provision across South Africa.

Zondo earlier this week also announced the commission would lay criminal charges against former president Jacob Zuma for leaving a sitting without being excused.

Zuma had walked out after Zondo dismissed his application that the commission chairman recuse himself.

African News Agency (ANA)

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