This is no longer a Fritz matter, this is now a Winde matter, says ANC who plans to lay charges against Premier as well



Published Jan 26, 2022


Cape Town - Western Cape Premier Alan Winde could possibly face criminal charges for his handling of the sexual assault allegations labelled against suspended MEC Albert Fritz as the ANC in the province intends to lay charges against both individuals.

ANC provincial spokesperson Sifiso Mtsweni told Independent Media that Winde should be brought to book for allowing this matter to drag on for more than two months.

Young employees who had worked in Fritz’s office had apparently come forward to shed light on the allegations which relate to sexual assault of his own staff which dates back to last year.

According to a media report, four more provincial government officials who were working with Fritz, have been suspended in connection with the scandal.

Mtsweni said this matter has come in dribs and drabs as the Premier announced suspension without giving reasons as to why Fritz was suspended.

“Now that it has emerged that this is based on what we categorise as GBV and sexual assault and harassment. The problem now is that the premier is in possession of affidavits – he is a prosecutor, he is initiator and he is a judge. He is now the one that decides what must happen and we are of the view that this is a police matter now that victims have come forward,” Mtsweni said.

“We will now lay charges against Fritz and the Premier as we feel he has concealed important information that should have been in the hands of the police. We believe that Winde is defeating the ends of justice,” he added.

Calls have been made for provincial police commissioner Lieutenant General Thembisile Patekile to ensure that the matter is given the necessary attention it deserves.

Earlier today, ANC chief whip in the provincial legislature Pat Lekker, expressed disappointment at the decision of legislature Speaker Masizole Mnqasela’s decision to dismiss ANC Western Cape MPL Mesuli Kama’s request to intervene on the sexual allegations against the suspended community safety MEC.

Independent Media made attempts to obtain comment from a former employee who worked in Fritz’s office, but the individual was reluctant to comment at the time.

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