Ismail Abramjee Concedes Goolammv Identity Following Investigation

Published Jul 18, 2024


Ismail Abramjee, a figure allegedly linked to apartheid-era president PW Botha, has publicly acknowledged the unmasking of Goolam Mohammed Sulieman Vawda as the person behind the controversial @Goolammv X (formerly Twitter) account.

Abramjee, who was named in Independent Media's recent exposé as an associate of Vawda’s, was responding to other X users.

In his post, Abramjee stated: "How was he caught? He used his real name and real initials. He used his constitutionally guaranteed rights to express himself and did so forcefully. What's wrong with that? You may not like what he always posted, but that does not make it wrong."

The exposé highlighted Vawda's connections to high-profile politicians and senior government officials. It revealed that Vawda, operating under the pseudonym @Goolammv, had been an influential commentator with a history of shifting political allegiances and access to sensitive information, including ministerial appointments.

His account was frequently amplified by troll accounts and a sophisticated bot network.

Following the public unmasking, Vawda initially made his @Goolammv account restricted, a move seen by many as an attempt to avoid further scrutiny. However, he has since removed these restrictions, allowing the public to view his posts once again.

Abramjee's concession is particularly noteworthy given his own controversial background. The Laudium Sun named him as having deep connections to apartheid-era including a close friendship with former South African President PW Botha.