Dis-Chem is not the only pharmacy in SA: AfriForum guns for group over its no-white employment policy

Photo: Supplied

Photo: Supplied

Published Oct 18, 2022


Durban - AfriForum is the latest to join the choir of condemnation slamming the Dis-Chem Pharmarcies group over its decision not to hire white staff.

At the weekend, a letter to senior management about the company's imposition of a moratorium on the appointment of white individuals was leaked.

"This includes external appointment and internal promotions," said Dis-Chem CEO, Ivan Saltzman.

AfriForum's Campaign Officer for Strategy and Content, Ernest van Zyl, reacted angrily: "We condemn the racist personnel policy of Dis-Chem and encourages its more than 308 000 members and supporters to support community pharmacies instead. AfriForum has an online platform, AfriForum Sakenetwerk, where local businesses can easily be found and listed. Now you can effortlessly locate your local community pharmacy.“

He said Dis-Chem was not the only pharmacy in the country.

"AfriForum urges its members and supporters to support their local community pharmacy and let their money do the talking!”

"Dis-Chem’s racial discrimination is shocking and unacceptable. AfriForum supports Solidarity’s legal action against Dis-Chem, which will challenge the refusal on the appointment and promotion of white people in court. There must be an all-encompassing debate regarding racially discriminatory legislation and policies in South Africa. It is high time that these policies are condemned and finally abolished," van Zyl said.

The Dis-Chem board has defended its stance.

“We deeply value our employees and appreciate their contribution to Dis-Chem. We stand by the unequivocal imperative to continue our transformation journey. Equality, diversity and inclusivity are important throughout Dis-Chem and we continue to make great strides in ensuring that we maintain progress in this area,” the board said in a statement.