Are the signs indicating the UK is undergoing a ‘revolution’?

New leader of the Britain's Conservative Party Rishi Sunak gestures outside the Conservative Campaign Headquarters, in London, Britain October 24, 2022. Picture: Hannah McKay/ Reuters

New leader of the Britain's Conservative Party Rishi Sunak gestures outside the Conservative Campaign Headquarters, in London, Britain October 24, 2022. Picture: Hannah McKay/ Reuters

Published Oct 26, 2022


Durban - After colonising and enslaving the subcontinent of India for centuries all for the needs of the “Empire”, the United Kingdom has finally shown signs that they are embracing change and willing to work together.

This, after the UK elected its first Indian Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak.

Sunak was elected on one of the most auspicious occasions of the Hindu calendar year, Diwali.

Sunak is the second politician of Asian descent to assume a leading role in the UK, after London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

With a history in finance, Sunak’s apparent role is for him to rescue Great Britain from its “worst economic” climate in years.

Khan’s grandparents migrated from Lucknow, following the divisions between Pakistan and India. His parents arrived from Pakistan in London in 1968.

With Khan in London and Sunak at 10 Downing Street, both of whom are followers of Islamic and Hindu religions, respectively, it could mean that the Brit’s have finally accepted change.

London's newly elected mayor Sadiq Khan (L) sits with Britain's Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis at a holocaust commemoration ceremony at a rugby stadium in north London, May 8, 2016. File Picture: Peter Nicholls/ Reuters

Other signs in the leadership of the Tory government which suggest they are undergoing duress, is the fact that their previous PM, Liz Truss, lasted 49 days in office.

To throw another spanner into the works, Truss had met two leaders of the British monarchy, namely, the late Queen Elizabeth and her son, Prince Charles, who now stands to be King of England - in her 49-day reign.

In the 49 days, the British monarchy had also met with two “new” Prime Ministers.

An image showing the two new PM’s, formerly Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, shake the hands of two different leaders of the British Monarchy. Image source: Twitter.

South African born comedian, Trevor Noah, in his sketch on the Daily Show this week, touches on the subject, and also introduces the view of a caller to a British radio station, who had a lot to say about Sunak’s appointment.

“Is this issue that Rishi Sunak is a brown man and you don’t trust him at the top of this country?” the radio host asks the caller.

“Well could you imagine him going to the Scottish Nationalists and being the Prime Minister of the Scottish Nationalists? Could you imagine me becoming the Prime Minister of Pakistan? Or Saudi Arabia?

“No, these things matter. I’m sorry you don’t like it. We’re talking about ENGLAND right. 85% of English people are white people. And they wanna see a PM that reflects them,” the caller said.

Noah cuts back to the show and asks: “Could you imagine if white English people wanted to rule countries where no one looked like them? That would never happen,” he said, collapsing his hands in his head.

The point Noah was trying to make is that British citizens were so enraged by the fact that an Indian is ruling over them, but were not bothered when they ruled over India.

In Sarah Rose’s book: “For all the tea in China”, which details how the British stole the recipe for tea from the Chinese in the late 19th Century, she talks about how the British used the P1913 rifle during the war in India.

The rifle’s design meant the shooter had to lubricate a steel bullet before pushing it down the barrel with a rod.

To rid Muslim and Hindu’s of their culture and identity under the reign of the British Empire, Royal forces demanded recruited soldiers, who were mostly Hindu and Muslim, to lubricate the bullets with pig and cow fat.

This meant Muslims had to suck pig fat to lubricate the bullet and Hindu’s had to suck cow fat to lubricate their bullets.

Today, a Muslim is mayor of London and a Hindu is Prime Minister of the UK.

Embracing change or a revolution?

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