6 things every South African should know about drawing up a will

A will is a legal document that states how you want your assets distributed after your death. Picture: File

A will is a legal document that states how you want your assets distributed after your death. Picture: File

Published Jun 15, 2023


By Stian de Witt

Wills are only for married people. You only need a will when you earn a certain amount. My family knows what my wishes are. I am too young to have a will.

These are just some of the popular conceptions about wills. Problem, is, they’re all myths – and they’re causing unnecessary distress when people die without a valid will in place.

According to recent research, it’s estimated that more than a third of South Africans who die every year don’t have a will. If you die without a will, your estate will be wound up by a state-appointed executor.

This is a long and drawn-out process, and the assets from your estate will not be in line with what you wanted. This can also cause disputes among family members.

We often think of wills and estate planning as something for old people. But the reality is that unexpected death, disease or injury can occur at any time.

To leave a legacy for your family, you must plan and make deliberate decisions to ensure your loved ones are provided for after your death, and that your assets are distributed the way you want them to.

What is a will?

A will is a legal document that states how you want your assets distributed after your death. It includes your portfolio of property, money and personal possessions. It also can specify how you want your debts and taxes to be paid, who should take care of your children, and even if you want to be cremated or buried.

Six things every South African should know about a will:

It’s easy to draw up

Drawing up a will does not have to be complicated or expensive. You simply have to be of sound mind and legal age, and you must sign your will in the presence of a witness who is not a beneficiary of your estate.

You must update it regularly

Your will must reflect your circumstances and life changes – like new family members or changed marital status. Updating your will ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and avoids disputes that can arise after your death.

Choose an executor

An executor is a person who manages your estate and ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes. An executor should be someone you trust, and who has the skills and knowledge to carry out the duties of an executor.

They will be responsible for paying outstanding debts, compiling and filling out your final tax returns, and ensuring the fair distribution of your assets to your beneficiaries in accordance with your will.

Consider setting up a trust

If you have minor children, you should consider setting up a trust to look after them. A trust is a legal entity that holds and manages assets for beneficiaries. It can minimise your estate tax, while ensuring your loved ones are provided for.

Inform your family about your wishes

To help avoid confusion after your death, talk to your family. This will help them make decisions and prepare for their own financial futures. It also gives your family peace of mind that your estate will be settled swiftly.

Talk to a financial adviser

Consulting a financial adviser will help you ensure your will is comprehensive and part of your holistic estate plan. Your adviser will also be able to advise you on important considerations to think about, depending on your circumstances.

Stian de Witt, CFP®, executive head of financial planning, NMG Benefits.

*The views expressed here are not necessarily those of IOL or of title sites.

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