Q: We are looking at buying our first property in a development but are stuck between buying in an estate and in a new apartment block.

Published Nov 8, 2020


What factors should we take into account while trying to decide?

A:Some developments have both, albeit not that many, but the choice between an estate – assuming that you are talking about a freestanding house within an estate – and an apartment block is one of preference. The main differences come down to affordability and space.

What can you afford? Can you live close to other people? Do you mind noise as apartment living can mean neighbours above, below and on either side of you? Do you mind stairs or lifts? Do you prefer your own garden and pool? Do you prefer more privacy? These are all important factors to consider when making a choice.

– Lance Gore, Spencer Gore Developments

A:Consider the lifestyle you want and the pace you want for everyday living. Apartment living in a thriving city is vastly different to a suburban estate. Both have merits and it’s completely up to the individual to assess what life stage they’re in and how they see themselves living day to day.

– Jacques van Embden, managing director at Blok

A:Before you decide – take your shoes off, step outside, and feel the grass beneath your feet and the sun on your face. Now decide.

– Stephen Porteous, SDP Consulting

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