The PSL not going to Safa's Ordinary Congress

PSL chairman Irvin Khoza. Photo: Muzi Ntombela/BackpagePix

PSL chairman Irvin Khoza. Photo: Muzi Ntombela/BackpagePix

Published Apr 20, 2023


Johannesburg — The Premier Soccer League (PSL) will not attend the South African Football Association's (Safa) Indaba Ordinary Congress this weekend, the league has announced.

This decision was taken after the PSL's national executive committee (NEC) met on Thursday for their monthly meeting instead of next week, April 27, due to the celebration of Freedom Day.

So having received the circulating agenda for the Safa's NEC Ordinary Meetings set for Friday and Saturday ahead of the Indaba Ordinary Congress scheduled for Sunday, the league's exco unanimously agreed that they'll not attend.

"The executive committee unanimously resolved that the PSL would not attend the workshop/Indaba or the Ordinary Safa Congress," the league said in a statement on Thursday.

Instead of attending Safa's event, the league's exco will "seek an urgent audience with the Minister of Sports, Arts, and Culture (Zizi Kodwa); the President of CAF (Patrice Motsepe); and the stakeholders that support professional football".

And thereafter, the exco "will call an extraordinary meeting of the PSL Board of Governors to report on the matter".

The PSL's chairman Irvin Khoza was expected to be among the leaders of the association in both the NEC Ordinary Meetings and Ordinary Indaba Congress as his position as the league's boss automatically make him Safa's vice president to Danny Jordaan.


IOL Sport