GOOD Party supports Woolworths gay pride campaign and says every South African should condemn homophobia

Published Jun 7, 2023


Johannesburg - The GOOD Party condemns the growing homophobic sentiments expressed by South Africans, who seem to have no problem expressing hate against a community simply because of their sexual orientation.

As part of Pride Month, Woolworths launched a campaign to highlight its support of the LGBTQIA+ community and encourage people to "Be an Ally".

Brett Herron, GOOD: secretary-general and a Member of Parliament, said the party fully supported a campaign rooted in upholding human rights and one that champions inclusivity.

"Sadly, this is not a view shared by all citizens, with hateful comments and insults exploding on social media, while some people have even called for a boycott of the company.

"LGBTQIA+ rights are human rights and should be supported by every person who believes in equality, peace, acceptance and kindness."

"It’s shocking that many feel comfortable enough to express these kinds of views online, which feed into hatred.“

Herron said this hatred had already claimed the lives of many who identified as part of this community in South Africa and continues to pose a danger to millions across Africa and the rest of the world.

"Just last month, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed off on the country’s new anti-gay laws, said to be some of the world's toughest anti-LGBTQIA+ laws, which include the death penalty for so-called aggravated cases and 20 years in prison for 'promoting' homosexuality.“

“We cannot stand by when people are actively creating an environment where hatred and persecution can flourish.”

“GOOD joins other organisations in supporting this campaign and its championing of LGBTQIA+ rights this Pride Month.

“Hate will not silence or suppress what is right,” said Herron.

The Star

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