Mastering the art of putting from off the green

Putting of off the green as Tiger Woods makes and examination before taking a shot. EPA

Putting of off the green as Tiger Woods makes and examination before taking a shot. EPA

Published 17h ago


Putting from off the green can be a challenging and intimidating shot, even for experienced golfers. However, with the right techniques and strategies, you can improve your chances of making a successful putt. Here are some tips to help you master the art of putting from off the green:

Choose the right club

When putting from off the green, you'll typically want to use a higher-lofted club, such as a pitching wedge, sand wedge, or lob wedge. This will help you get the ball out of the rough and onto the green.

Assess the lie

Take a close look at the lie of the ball and the surrounding terrain. If the ball is sitting in thick rough, you may need to use a more aggressive swing to get it out. If the ball is on a slope, you'll need to adjust your aim accordingly.

Align your feet and shoulders

Make sure your feet and shoulders are aligned parallel to the target line. This will help you maintain a consistent swing plane and ensure that the clubhead strikes the ball squarely.

Use a shallower swing

When putting from off the green, you'll want to use a shallower swing than you would on the green. This will help you avoid digging the clubhead into the ground and ensure a smoother, more consistent roll.

Play the ball in the centre of your stance

Play the ball in the centre of your stance, with your weight evenly distributed between both feet. This will help you maintain balance and stability throughout the swing.

Keep your hands ahead of the ball

Keep your hands ahead of the ball at impact, with your wrists firm and your arms straight. This will help you maintain control over the clubhead and ensure a smooth, consistent roll.

Follow through

Follow through with your swing, keeping the clubhead moving in a smooth, arc-shaped motion. This will help you maintain balance and stability, and ensure a consistent roll.

Practice, practice, practice

As with any golf shot, practice is key when it comes to putting from off the green. Take the time to practice this shot regularly, and you’ll see improvement in your game over time. Catch you on the fairways!

– Sewgolum is a PGA AA golf professional and a golf pro for Saudi Aramco. He was voted in the Top 5 of the International Golf PGA Pro 2022.

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