Eco-friendly activities kids can do during holidays

Planting tree can help prevent soil erosion during floods. Picture:File

Planting tree can help prevent soil erosion during floods. Picture:File

Published Jul 15, 2023


Wondering how you can get your kids involved in environmentally friendly activities during their time off from school?

Worry not, there are quite a number of things that kids can do to sustain the environment like planting trees or cleaning beaches.

Beach clean-up can be fun and interesting if you do it as a group.

Make sure that each member of the group has their own task.

Gather the right equipment including gloves, buckets or bags for garbage and a trash grabber if needed and note a recycling centre in your area.

Trees provide fresh air and by breathing clean air bodies become healthier.

Trees get rid of tons of carbon dioxide that people emit and remove pollutants in the air.

They help to filter rainwater and improve water quality, and provide a host of other ecosystem services. Trees also represent a form of natural capital and a key tenet of green infrastructure.

Steps on how to grow a tree:

Dig the planting hole.

Massage/loosen/trim the roots and remove the nursery stake.

Place the tree in the centre of the hole.

Build a soil berm.

Stake the tree.

Tie the tree.

Water the tree thoroughly.

This is a great way to keep kids busy and active while teaching them about cleaner oceans and a sustainable environment.

Olivia John from, One Plant Per Child, says that society benefits when young children get out, get their hands in the earth, and plant trees.

“Planting trees and shrubs is a great way for kids to connect to the environment and their community,” said John.

Weekend Argus